The magical Winter of the Algarve

28 Novembro, 2023

The magical Winter of the Algarve

unmissable events, even in the coldest months


The Algarve, a highly sought-after region in southern Portugal for its stunning beaches and sunny summers, reveals an equally charming side during the winter months.


Different from the hustle and bustle of summer, during these months, the region transforms into a tranquil refuge where the splendor of its landscapes, mild temperatures and cultural dynamism persist. There's always something to discover or an event to attend if you wish.


Fascinating with its Atlantic coast and proximity to various continents, we must not forget the rich and ancient culture, gastronomy, and regional traditions that make the Algarve a surprising destination at any time of the year.


Winter is no exception. Our team has compiled a list of their favorite events from December to March that you won't want to miss:


1. Events

→ Christmas Markets - throughout the region

- December to January -


Don't think that because there's no real cold, Christmas decorations and markets don't exist in the Algarve.

Cities like Faro, Lagos, and Albufeira also transform and embrace the charm of Christmas, becoming even more enchanting. Strolling through decorated and illuminated Christmas markets is an excellent way to soak up the festive atmosphere, experience local cuisine, relax with Christmas music and find unique gifts.


Some suggestions not to miss:

. Nativity Village in Odeleite

December 8-10, Castro Marim


. Great Santa Claus Walk and Dive

December 25 and January 1, Armação de Pêra


. Pedestrian Route Nativity Itinerary

date to be defined, Loulé


. Christmas Market - Vila Vita Biergarten

December to January, in Porches


→ New Year's Eve - throughout the region

- December 31 / January 1


There are few better ways to end the year and start the next than with a delicious dinner near the beach, followed by a concert and fireworks.

If spending this special day outdoors on a mild winter night sounds like a good plan to you, we suggest spending New Year's Eve in Lagos, Albufeira, Portimão or Loulé.

We promise it will be a memorable and lively New Year's Eve.


→ Chocolate Festival

March 11-19, Loulé


Winter in the Algarve is sweetened by the irresistible Chocolate Festival in Loulé. This event attracts chocolate lovers from all over the world and features a variety of delicious chocolate creations, from handmade truffles to incredible sculptures.

A unique and delicious opportunity to explore the world of chocolate.


→ Carnival
February, 9-12, Loulé


Carnival in Loulé is a unique celebration that transforms the city streets into a colorful and lively spectacle. Parades, extravagant costumes, and contagious music fill the city, providing a festive experience that attracts visitors of all ages. Participating in Loulé Carnival is immersing yourself in the joy and contagious energy of this lively tradition.


2. Exhibitions


From photography to fine arts, from contemporary art to ancient art, discover some of the exhibitions planned for this winter.


Some suggestions not to miss:

. Photographic Exhibition "Xávega Art of Meia Praia" by Dina Salvador

until December 30, Lagos


. Exhibition "Portugal by George Landmann”

until January 30, Albufeira


. Exhibition "The Identity of the Algarve"

from January 16 to March 15, Albufeira


3. Concerts and Shows


If you prefer music, theater, or cinema, the Algarve also has some options that you can explore and are held by various municipalities throughout the year.


Some suggestions not to miss:


. Theater "The Misanthrope"

December 2, Portimão


. Portuguese Guitar Recital

until December 31, Faro


4. Sports


Throughout the year, world-class sports competitions take place in the Algarve, and winter is no exception. From cross-country to cycling, from football to golf, it can be challenging to choose.


Some suggestions not to miss:


. Almond Blossom Cross

February, Albufeira


. Tour of the Algarve

February 14-18, throughout the region


. Algarve Bike Challenge

March 1-3, Tavira


Events, shows, music, exhibitions, sports, workshops... The Algarve in winter maintains its special charm, ensuring events that highlight the cultural and gastronomic richness of the region.


If being able to enjoy this special region at any time of the year is part of your plans for 2024, talk to us.


Our team, with almost two decades of experience and access to the best locations in the Algarve, is available not only to find the house of your dreams but will also be delighted to show you the best events and places in the region.


Contact us now and without obligation!

We guarantee a direct, fast, and efficient approach, conducted in your language and respecting your privacy.


Or check HERE some of the properties currently available.